Below is the Jamaica Bay region. Select a highlighted area to see the results of the model prediction if hypothetical colonies were placed in that spot. The model predicts the amount of water filtered by the oysters if a colony were restored in the region you select.
This colony would result in 7% of the total volume of the water in the Jamaica Bay region being filtered over 660 hours.
Below is a graph that shows time in hours on the x-axis and volume of the Jamaica Bay filtered in cubic meters on the y-axis. We see the volume filtered by the colony increases throughout the residence time of about 660 hours.
Below is an image of where you selected the colony to be located for this model run.
This colony would result in 35% of the total volume of the water in the Jamaica Bay region being filtered over 660 hours.
Below is a graph that shows time in hours on the x-axis and volume of the Jamaica Bay filtered in cubic meters on the y-axis. We see the volume filtered by the colony increases throughout the residence time of about 660 hours.
Below is an image of where you selected the colony to be located for this model run.
This colony would result in 21% of the total volume of the water in the Jamaica Bay region being filtered over 660 hours.
Below is a graph that shows time in hours on the x-axis and volume of the Jamaica Bay filtered in cubic meters on the y-axis. We see the volume filtered by the colony increases throughout the residence time of about 660 hours.
Below is an image of where you selected the colony to be located for this model run.
This colony would result in 8% of the total volume of the water in the Jamaica Bay region being filtered over 660 hours.
Below is a graph that shows time in hours on the x-axis and volume of the Jamaica Bay filtered in cubic meters on the y-axis. We see the volume filtered by the colony increases throughout the residence time of about 660 hours.
Below is an image of where you selected the colony to be located for this model run.
This colony would result in 32% of the total volume of the water in the Jamaica Bay region being filtered over 660 hours.
Below is a graph that shows time in hours on the x-axis and volume of the Jamaica Bay filtered in cubic meters on the y-axis. We see the volume filtered by the colony increases throughout the residence time of about 660 hours.
Below is an image of where you selected the colony to be located for this model run.
This colony would result in 31% of the total volume of the water in the Jamaica Bay region being filtered over 660 hours.
Below is a graph that shows time in hours on the x-axis and volume of the Jamaica Bay filtered in cubic meters on the y-axis. We see the volume filtered by the colony increases throughout the residence time of about 660 hours.
Below is an image of where you selected the colony to be located for this model run.
This colony would result in 26% of the total volume of the water in the Jamaica Bay region being filtered over 660 hours.
Below is a graph that shows time in hours on the x-axis and volume of the Jamaica Bay filtered in cubic meters on the y-axis. We see the volume filtered by the colony increases throughout the residence time of about 660 hours.
Below is an image of where you selected the colony to be located for this model run.
When we run the model, we first need to know how long it takes to “flush” the region we want to study with new water. That is, if we were to place floaters in the entire Jamaica Bay shown, how long would it take for most of them to be flushed out of the bay? We call that the “residence time”. The residence time will determine the length of time for which we will run the filtration model. A model simulation allows us to determine the residence time and the movie is shown below. We place hundreds of thousands of tracers, which are completely subject to the water currents, throughout the water column. Each tracer is shown as a green dot in the movie. By clicking play, you can watch as the dynamics in the Jamaica slowly flush the green dots out of the river.
Below we show a graph which describes the proportion of the green dots that are flushed out of the bay over time. The y axis is the proportion remaining in the bay, which is why it begins at 1 (they are all initially in the bay!). The x-axis shows the time in hours that the simulation is run. As time moves on and green dots are flushed out of the bay, we see the proportion decrease. After about 660 hours, the proportion is quite low, and we consider that a full residence time.